Wave Generator
The wave generator is a simple utility to generate, display, play,
and save waveforms. It is useful in creating samples to be use as
a controlled input into other applications, for example, SpectralPowerDisplay.
In the above, we see the both the spectrogram and waveform of a
sine wave generated via the GeneratorFilter class. The spectrogram
shows a horizontal stripe, witnessing the single frequency component.
The width of the stripe is determined by the windowing of the FFT.
Note the aberrations at the beginning and end of the signal.
Next we show a sine wave at a higher frequency.
Finally, below we see a saw-tooth wave. It is interesting to note the
frequency seepage the occurs at the peaks of the saw-tooth.
- play
- stop
- about
- sin wave
- square wave (rectangle)
- tent (triangle)
- saw-tooth
- noise