In: rbSnack/tkSnack.rb

This module offers functions that control various aspects of the mixer activities


channels, devices, input, input=, inputs, lines, output, output=, outputs, select, sm, update, volume,
Public Instance methods
sm(txt;) src

Private helper

channels(line;) src

Returns a list with the names of the channels for the specified line.

devices() src

Returns a list the available mixer devices

input() src

Returns the current input jack

input=( jack, tclVar=nil) src

Links or Sets the current input jack Optionally link a boolean

inputs() src

Returns a list of available input ports."""

lines() src

Extracts the list with the names of the lines of the mixer device."""

output() src

Returns the current output jack

output=( jack, tclVar=nil) src

Links or Sets the current input jack Optionally link a boolean

outputs() src

Extracts the list of available output ports.

update() src

Updates all linked variables to reflect the status of the mixer device.

volume(line, leftVar=None, rightVar=None) src

Sets the volume

select(device;) src

Selects a device to be used as default.